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46 Tampa, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 50
I will get to the fun stuff shortly, but there is something I want to mention quickly so I do not waste anyoneā€™s time :) I am open to being with someone that already has a child, but I have made a firm decision to not have my own children at this point in my life. I also have a 5-year-old dog that I love very much. He is sweet and he will insist that you love him and cuddle with him too, so loving dogs (and animals in general) is also a requirement to be with me. OK, so here is a bit more about meā€¦ I have learned that I differ from most men in being open about how I feel, and I donā€™t feel it is a sign of weakness to be this way. Yes, the pain of lost love is the worst feeling, but having real love is the best feeling, so I am unafraid to show my heart and I will not hold back at a chance for true love. You would also find me to be both humble and confident, not letting my ego get in the way but knowing when I should be assertive and take the lead. I am silly, love to laugh, make others laugh, have fun all the time and enjoy trying new things. If I donā€™t have to be serious in real-life situations, then donā€™t expect me to be. Life is too short to try and act a certain way, just be natural and just be yourself. The right person should love you for exactly who you are. I am a deeply caring and loving person, but I am not a pushover or too foolish to trust blindly. I am a normal guy with respect to loving electronics and all that other dorky stuff, also built my own computer and can fix mostly anything. I have traveled a lot but not recently, and hoping to get back to that soon with a special partner to join me. It is good to be different in ways, so I hope you will introduce me to the things you love as well. I am somewhat new to Florida and moved here last summer from New York City to be closer to my family. I notice the details of things, am usually very neat, I clean like a professional, can iron and sew, can match a tie to my custom suit and I know how to make yummy espresso drinks. I have also been in the construction business since I was a young child, and grew up building and renovating homes, so I can also build and fix almost anything very well. I am here to find someone that will get me and like me for who I am, who I can explore with, grow love with, and who can become my best friend and partner in life.
64 Miami, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 25 - 35
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72 Boynton Beach, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 50 - 72
I am honest, extremely loyal and devoted to those I believe in and love. I understand and believe in commitment and am monogamous and affectionate with my partner. I believe that humor and a lot of laughter is very important in a relationship. I give the type of affection, love and devotion I would like to receive. I guess that we are all looking for that.. "Irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired" connection. As most people do, I enjoy going out, but just as happy to stay home and cook together, watch a movie entertain, etc. I am pretty normal with some imperfections, as we all have. Iā€™m incredibly fortunate to be the father of two amazing, extremely bright and articulate young men. I prefer someone that has children and understands and appreciates those responsibilities. I know what I want, and perhaps more important what I do not want in a relationship. A very wise friend once told me that, when you are in love with someone, everything about them is perfect and all of those ideals that you thought you wanted in a woman donā€™t seem to matter nearly as much anymore. For a relationship to work for me, there are some thing that are paramount. You must be able and willing to truly communicate openly about your wants, needs, dreams, desires, hopes and fears, and, truly be able to share and be intimate physically and emotionally. I eat healthy and take care of myself and look for the same in my partner. I like music of all genres from rock to opera, with the exception of rap, heavy metal and jazz. I love music and going to concerts and the theater. I love the water and the beach. Love sailing, it is one of the most peaceful and serene experiences I have ever had. I am looking for someone to love and have fun with, travel and spend time with. A best friend, that is fun and playful. Someone to make memories with, share love to the max and have a beautiful, happy life together- but then again who wouldnā€™t. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile, and if you think there may be a connection, I look forward to hearing from you. If not I wish you the best in your search.