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59 Frankfort, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 55
36 Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Imagine arriving in a new exotic destination after crossing an ocean. A short cab ride and you've arrived at your hotel. But you are not tired. You walk down a street and cross into a tiny alley where smells of spices, seafood, and heat escape into the air and into your mind. You feel warm and invited as you walk past the red lanterns in the doorway. You have now arrived at a much storied Tokyo ramen noodle shop. Is it food or art? You soon realize that it is both and much appreciated nourishment for the soul after a long journey. The broth makes you happy and warm and each delicious bite reaffirms your decision that this trip was an awesome idea, and it has only just begun. I love going out for new adventures, taking photos of my travels. Although I find that as time goes on, I take less photos, and tend to get absorbed in the experience more. Which I like because its the memories of my travels that stay with me and mean the most in the end. I'm kind of half artsy half analytical. I get a lot of satisfaction out of solving problems and learning new things so I chose to become a software developer. I'm currently building some new apps. I'm fairly ambitious, I'm focused on building my career, traveling and finding my soulmate. For artiness I learned how to play guitar as a teenager and I still play when the mood strikes me. It's perfect for unwinding. I like learning about mysticism, psychology and eastern spirituality, which lead me to learn how to meditate when I was in college. And I still do and enjoy it quite a bit. I like to be absorbed in having long conversations about the differences and similarities between world cultures, ideally with like minded people, or brewing some fresh green tea and reading. I'm a little bit of a foodie, and really enjoy trying new restaurants. Being born with a natural curiosity about the world and my place in it has kept me from running out of things to learn about and do. And I enjoy being alive, and going after my dreams. I try to be a free spirit, but having a vision about what I want my future to be and a plan to get there sure makes things more manageable. And I feel free because I'm doing the things I want to do. As a kid I was a film buff and I still get excited when a favorite movie from my childhood comes on. I stay fairly active, I go running couple times a week, or once if it was a winter like the one we just had. haha I agree with George Carlin that golf courses should be turned into housing for the homeless. But I have also never played golf and I want to try to bring you a smile for reading this far. :) The more I think about it, this life and all it's apparent mysteries and difficulties are really some kind of blessing. And it's so fascinating that I can't wait to experience more of it- and after all of these years I'm still waiting for that next great magic. I'm looking to get to know someone, and if it blossoms into a meaningful relationship that would be great as well. Ultimately, I'm interested in a meaningful relationship that leads to marriage. If you think we have things in common or are looking for the same thing, send me a message. I'll save the rest for another time. Best wishes and good luck in your search. "Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves, often come when life seems most challenging" Joseph Campbell
71 Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 23 - 43
I am a Chinese American who served in the US military as an officer. I don't know who told you that having similar age in relationship, guarantee, happiness. Do you know more than 90% of the divorce I'm coming from similar age group. I have traveled around the world, and so many young women with their mature men are much happier. For one thing, any relationships require with financial support. Young people still working in the workforce do not have financial support. As the result, they're heading for disasters, divorce. Mature men usually I'll financially stable. That is the reason why their relationship last much longer. People in their 20s or 30s even 40s cannot even support themselves. Whatever they may have to pay for rent, Car, gas, insurance,, cell phone, food and other expenses. By the time they finish paying everything above, they have no money left. How can any happy relationships when you have no money. Young people in their 20s relief loves everything. But love cannot go to grocery store to get food. Love can I pay for your rent. Love can never pay for your medical expenses and medicine. When women reach to 40s, they no longer talk about love. They want bread instead. Bread can feed your tummy and love cannot. You can have all the love you want but still hungry. How long do you think this relationship will last? You make the choice. When you are cold, love, cannot keep you warm. But money can. Money can get you a warm clothes to keep you from freezing to death. I am Saying this to hope that you can choose wisely. 千金易得 知己难求 我的知己在哪裏? Life is like a coin. You can only spend it once but you will never get the same coin back. That goes for business opportunity too. We meet millions of people everyday. You met people in the MRT or BTS but I can guarantee that you will never meet the same people for the rest of your life. Treasure your life because you can only live ONCE. There is NO re-incarnation. No scientific proof at all. This is like the story of "Snow White" NOT true. But today still many young ladies still waiting for her prince riding on a white horse to bring her to palace. Don't let my age fools you. I am still very active and travel alone carrying heavy luggage around the world. I had been to 10 different countries in Europe and Now it is Asia. People said Living in Thailand is cheap. But I spent about 3,000 bahts aday. How can this be cheap? Lol Still cheaper than I ate a meal in Alaska. In September, 2022, I was in Alaska and ate a meal cost me USD 100.00 and other meal by myself USd 230.00. I always travel alone. Thailand is cheap but not the cheapest. Laos is cheaper. Vietnam has very good food too. I was in Bangkok in November, 2022. Than I went to Chaing mai, Chaing Rai, White Temple, Blue Temple, Chaing Khong, Pai, Mea Hung Son, Went to Laos 4 different cities. Stay in Laos for the New Year 2023 than on Jan 8, I went to Vietnam. I was in Hanoi, Da Nang, Halong Bay, Sa Pa, Ninh Binh, then on February 2023 I came back to Bangkok because all international flights must stop at Bangkok. I was in Pattaya, Phuket, Rayong, Ban Chaing, Kanchanburi, Malaysia and Singapore. Now I am back home. . Maybe going down south to Japan, South America, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and or Indonesia. Those are my future plans.Hope that you can join me. Majority of women are looking for true happiness and financial security. That is nothing wrong. A man should provide for his woman basic financial needs. A basic financial need is not getting a LV bag or Gucci. You should also try https://www.internationalcupid.com and you can find me there. I was in Ukraine in 2019. I saw many older women selling flowers, potatoes, tomatoes and milk on the streets. There is nothing wrong with selling things on the streets. What I saw was this older woman selling things because of financial needs. I have a friend living in Ukraine and their pension is USD $50.00 to USD 100.00 a month. This kind of money is hard to survive. So these people have to grow food and sell on the streets to bring in additional incomes. I Can tell these women were very pretty when they were young. But now they are aged and no one cares for them. Where are their kids, boyfriends or husbands? Does anyone care for these once beautiful women? The problems are all these women made very bad decisions, choosing the wrong man. A man who does NOT care for their future. What about you? Have you chosen the right man? If they chose a good man, they would not be on the streets. When we were young, we often hated our parents who scolded us. We like to hear words that please us. We do not like to hear words that hurt us. So the ones that told the truth and we distanced ourselves from them and the one who said the magic words, "I love you" and stayed with them. But what does the Bible say about this? Better is OPEN rebuke. Proverbs 27:4 Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? 5 Better is open rebuke than hidden love. 6 Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. I said all these because I care. I do not want you to make mistakes again. Be wise to choose your friends/mates. Not choosing the right man means that you will suffer many years. Many people stay in marriage and live very miserable lives. I know some women have been married for many years and suffer every day in hell. People looking at the marriage think they have a perfect match but they do not know she is living in pain every single day. Do you know any of these marriages? This is to prove that a marriage certificate cannot guarantee you with any happiness but getting a right person will get you the happiness for life. Choosing a wrong religion or don't knowing what you believe will be worse than that. Have you ever asked yourself if my religion is the right religion? What proof do you have? We cannot say my mother believes that in my grandmother. We need more solid evidence than that to make sure this religion is the correct historical data to support. With all the historical data to support it means nothing. Christianity is about more than 10,000 different beliefs. How do you know which one is the right one? Let me slap you with something to think about and if you need additional more information you can always contact me. Gen 4:15 15 And the Lord said to him, Therefore, if anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark or sign upon Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him. Actually Elderly brother = mouth and son. not man. 兄 Elderly brother in Chinese Culture is the speaker person A person with a mouth (Spoken person) is the elder brother. 兄 In Chinese tradition, the saying is elderly brother 兄 is equal to the father. So that we can see the elder brother has authority. Cain Is the elderly brother. 兄 Abel is the younger brother. According to Genesis chapter for the elderly brother Cain killed His younger brother Abel. Gen 4:8. Gen 4:15 15 And the Lord said to him, Therefore, if anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark or sign upon Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him. God put a mark (X) on an elderly brother on him become the Chinese word murder.兇 Who ever created this character must known the story of Genesis 4. It might be came down from the family. This proof Genesis is correct and this history before our ancestors created the Chinese Characters. . I don't want to give you too much. You might get indigestion. Hhahhahahh 兇 this word in Chinese means murder! Look at Genesis above it was the elder brother who kill the younger brother. 耶和华就给该隐立了一个记号 耶和华问该隐:“你的弟弟亚伯在哪里?”他回答:“我不知道;难道我是看守我弟弟的吗?” 10 耶和华说:“你作了甚么事呢?你弟弟的血有声音从地里向我呼叫。 11 地开了口,从你手里接受了你弟弟的血,现在你要从这地受咒诅。 12 你种地,地也不再给你效力;你必在地上流离失所。” 13 该隐对耶和华说:“我的刑罚太重,过于我所能担当。 14 看哪,今日你赶逐我离开这地,以致我要躲避你的面;我必在地上流离失所,遇见我的,都要杀我。” 15 耶和华对该隐说:“绝不会这样,杀该隐的,必遭报七倍。”耶和华就给该隐立了一个记号,免得遇见他的人击杀他。 16 于是该隐从耶和华面前出去,住在伊甸东边的挪得地。 This is just a small sample to wet your appetite. There is a lot more than that. I have written an article title the Chinese characters proof the events in Genesis actually happened in the past. It is OK that you just want to read this article. Send me an email and I will send you the article with no strings attach. In fact, if you choose you don't have to contact me anymore. But what do you choose the religion will determine your final destination in your future. Many will say all roads Lead to Rome. It is incorrect. If you go to the airport, every plains has engines and has two wings, if you don't watch carefully you may end up in the wrong place. Therefore, not every plane flies to the same destination the same truth but not every religion ended up in the same place either. Choose your man wisely and also choose your religion with more wisdom. Age does NOT guarantee happiness. Majority of the divorces are with similar ages. What a woman should look for is financial stability. Can this man provide all my basic needs? I am sure you see many men after their Women got pregnant and ran away. These men do not care for the women nor the kids. Is this the kind of men are you looking for? Many women are only looking for love. Can love pay for your roof over your head? Can love put food on your table? Can love put your kids to school? Can love provide you Financial stability when you get older? You can answer all these questions. Why does the Bible use gray hair as a symbol of wisdom? The answer is self evident. Older people have gray hair. This indicates long life or, at least, longer life. Longer life means more life lessons learned and hence, more WISDOM. With life comes learning and EXPERIENCE. Nothing is as good as EXPERIENCE when it comes to learning. For that reason, we need to listen to our parents. I am planning to buy a four bedroom house with some land so that she can grow vegetables and Financial needs in the future. A house is a great asset. Many people rent an apartment when they grow up and they got nothing. I want to provide for my friend/mate/partner for financial stability for the future. I am 67 years old 5' 11" 170 lbs. I am looking for a helper according to the Book in Genesis 2:18. And the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper to meet him.” I am a Chinese American who served in the US military. I am retired and traveling around the world.. Life is short and you don't have time to fool around. Many people died before the age of 30s. So enjoy life cause you do not know what tomorrow is. After you go to bed at night, No ONE can guarantee that you will get up the next morning... If it does, we need to thank God for another day of life. So enjoy life while you can. Money in the bank if not being used, it is like toilet paper. Only money that you can use is real money. The bank account having few extra zeros means nothing to me. I have been in those situations and I was not happy. Now that I am broke and homeless, I am very happy. I have traveled 4 month in Europe and visited many different countries and ate many local foods. If you haven't tried the Raw Pork in Germany, I suggest that you should try. Don't be scared. I promise you, if you treated me right, you will never regret it because I am old school. I will pay for those who treated me well. I want to let you know upfront to see if age is an issue. I have three kids and they have all finished college with master and PhD degrees.. My son is a medical doctor (M.D.) Doctor of medicine that is a PhD degree in medicine. I used to teach college physics, calculus and electronics. Our pains are caused by other people. We should not focus on all the negatives because that will eat you alive. According to a medical book, stress can cause cells to deform. The definition of cancer is "abnormal growth of cells." So stress can cause cancer and many other illnesses. Many rich people have lots of money but when they have cancer, all that money could NOT help them. The Bible says, Proverbs 17:22 New American Standard Bible 22 A joyful heart [a]is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones. Happiness is the key for a good living life NOT money. Of course you do need money to survive. But too many focus on money alone and they do not have happiness. They can make a million dollars a day, if they cannot fine happiness, the stress will eventually eat them alive and they will have too many illnesses and cancer. Don't let the age gap fool you that you can only find happiness within your own age group. If that is true, why are so many divorces within their age groups? Let me invite you to have fun with me. Fun does NOT mean sex. We can travel around the world. Eating all kinds of food around the world. I have been to many countries in Europe: Kiev, Kharkiv, Odessa and Brody in Ukraine, Berlin and Munich in Germany, Paris in France, Vienna in Austria, Brussels in Belgium, London, UK, Warsaw, Krakow in Poland, Prague in Czech Republic, Zurich in Switzerland etc... Due To this pandemic, I was in Boston in May of this year and I just came back from Houston and San Antonio Texas three weeks ago. I cannot go anywhere outside because all the borders are closed. I would like to invite you to get happiness together to see Gods creations. It may be up in the sky (flying a plane or hot air balloon) or maybe under the sea (scuba diving, I'm a certified advanced Diver.) We may be traveling to South America, Asia, Central America, or maybe Australia. Sorry Africa is not on my radar now. If you just want to be a penal, I'm OK with that too. But if you just want to be friends I'm OK with that too. Maybe when I was at your country, I can buy you a meal or you could cook me dinner. You should try this website https://www.internationalcupid.com You will have a lot more choices. Maybe I can see you there.
50 Covington, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 24 - 42
I have a good job my own apartment and my own car just need a wife to fill my life with real love to share it with and I want to make myself very clear I don't care about having sex with random woman because I am American I truly am attracted to Asian women and I want to find me a serious relationship for marriage I haven't been with anyone in seventeen years because I don't trust anyone and everything I say is true and can be proven also I am very blunt and speak my mind in a calm professional manor I am certainly not here to play games so if you are truly interested then write me if you have interest in me then I will write back and u don't respond move on I don't have time for it also you should no I never cheat ever and when in a relationship you are the only thing that matters to me you and your happiness it’s really sad actually that no one on here is really wanting a serious relationship I mean I didn’t no I had to put my resume on here I thought I was trying to find love not a job I mean I don’t get it if you really want a great guy I am here but people are to scared to take a chance and if you truly want to find love and you are ready for love you will make the effort and do all you can to get ahold of me and get my information so we can chat but everyone wants to play games on here or they are to shy to speak up how is anyone going to find love real love if you don’t speak up and make the effort it’s so frustrating to be on here,one last thing if you are hung up over someone’s age it’s just a number but you go right ahead and get you a young guy because in the end they only want one thing a real man doesn’t care about your age he actually wants a life with someone and he won’t care how old you are if you are a good person and the right person so anyway god bless all and ty to all those that do make the effort ….
58 Nicholasville, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 24 - 50
32 Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 20 - 41
29 Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 19 - 35
38 Paducah, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 58
56 Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 25 - 42
63 Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 63
69 Lexington-Fayette, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 35
48 Henderson, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 23 - 39
71 Lexington-Fayette, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 33 - 55
54 Ashland, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 60
70 Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States
Seeking: Female 24 - 50

