
Average Weight American Men

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United States






Average Weight

36 - 70 of 100
72 Miami, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 40 - 65
Weight: 91 kg (200 lb)
72-year-old former amateur athlete who looks younger than his age lives an active lifestyle on his twenty acre ranchette that borders thousands of acres of pristine Florida woodlands is looking for a fit, feminine, friendly, agreeable personality woman who loves German Shepherds. Has been to Japan twice, climbed Mt. Fuji, traveled to several other countries and most of the USA, has an interest in Asian history and culture, and prefers an Asian or Asian-American woman. He has no social baggage, non-smoker, non-drinker, no drugs and is looking for the same qualities in a responsible, trustworthy person who has no criminal or psychiatric history. This full-time working professional is a forensic physician working in the Civil and Criminal Court system and will only consider women of the highest moral character with no background problems that may interfere with his professional work. He values privacy, security and safety which is reflected in his newly renovated hurricane resistant rural home (just went through typhoon Milton). He prefers the tranquility of solitude on his property to crowds and public places. His property is abundant with wildlife (hawks, deer, rabbits, fox, coyotes and yes, alligators) and fruit tree planting on the property is in process. Outside of work his activities include exercising his dogs and taking care of routine maintenance of the pasture and the pasture mowers. He enjoys science fiction movies, spy movies, drama and action movies after work. Nearby very nice upscale city is twenty miles from the property with all the conveniences one needs.
48 Boise, Idaho, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Weight: 82 kg (180 lb)
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59 Portland, Maine, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 47
Weight: 70 kg (154 lb)
My self-summary Eclectic, with many life goals. Divorced (2 years ago) and looking for a companion. Not interested in marriage or children. Athlete, academic, professional, light hearted. Woman with compatible profiles. Texting is ok, but get's exhausting. Please be a honest person. What I'm doing with my life Adventures, but during the week I work a "normal" full time job. Training as a bike racer and do fun things on the weekends. Looking for companionship/lover. I have a professional career and 2 part time volunteer jobs. Developed smile muscles, cycling, backcountry and nordic telemark skiing, hiking, climbing, wilderness treks, paddling, gardening, orienteering, navigation, interacting, photography, videography, home power, relaxing, and about 1000 other things. Fixing broken things. Cooking, technology, Enjoying life.....not in that order...... My golden rule Honesty, and enjoying life. Keeping things in perspective. NEEDS Six things I could never do without 1.) Sex, daily - varied forms (anal, vaginal, oral sex) 2.) Exercise and adventure, with a partner 3.) The natural world and all the animals and plants in it. 4.) Friends and Family 5.) The bikes, goes with 2, long hard and fun rides. 6.) A companion to enjoy life with, especially adventure travel. My new love; adventure cycle touring. I spend a lot of time thinking about Saving the planet and then actually doing it! The horrible politics of Trump and his cronies, vacations/adventures, racing bikes, traveling the world, telemark/nordic skiing, gardening, splitting wood, hobbies. Sex. On a typical Friday night I am Packing up or traveling to some weekend adventure, a bike race, skiing, climbing the Mts, paddling the rivers or oceans. Getting ready for the Saturday morning Ride (SMR). On occasion, relaxing from a crazy work week with a home cooked dinner and a movie or relaxing by my wood stove! Falling asleep to crazy YouTube videos of animal antics, piano solos and other fun stuff. Would you like to join me? If I were sent to jail, I'd be arrested for: Going too fast on my bicycle. TRAVEL Been to Thailand 3 times in last 2 years. Iceland: 1500 miles riding a touring bike and camping all over the island. (2018). Tiawan: (2017). Visited every US state all Canadian provinces and almost every National Park and Monument. Favorite country is Canada! I enjoy studying a regions history, culture and natural features and environment. Student of the world. The sports I watch Professional Cycling! My condolences to Paul Sherwin :^( Sorry not your standard fat american male that watches TV; (actual life participant).
61 Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
Seeking: Female 35 - 43
Weight: 80 kg (176 lb)
I love the great outdoors and the great indoors, really anything to do with doors. I've been diagnosed with the INTP personality disorder by Dr. Myers-Briggs, and it is highly contagious. I was a legislative assistant and policy advisor to a senior Democratic U.S. Senator in Washington, D.C. Of the thousands of interesting people I met in Washington, President Clinton and The Dalai Lama stand out. Feeling The Dalai Lama's overwhelming humility and powerful tangible transmission of total acceptance, deep unconditional love, joy, and deep peace from 30 yards away was an important unexpected catalyst that touched me deeply, reminding me that there are dimensions of reality and deeper potentials beyond the world of the terribly obvious just waiting to be explored and developed. Now I'm a spiritual post-professional who's outgrown conventional careers and external incentives in favor of authentic meaningful work, right livelihood, and a lifestyle of creative contribution and voluntary simplicity made possible by free agency. The freedom and responsibility to create your own destiny into an open future as a self-employed free agent is awesome. I believe in the power to actualize dreams and to create preferred futures because Iā€™ve done it and I help others do it. INTP, Enneagram 5, and integral/turquoise stage of development symbolized by the centaur which represents body/mind/soul integration, I'd like to meet a fellow centaur, hiking/running partner, yoga buddy, best friend, and lover to share this mysterious journey of life, someone open to exploring the idea that we are ultimately the all-powerful creators of all that we experience, and that realizing this helps us create in a more conscious manner.
63 Orlando, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 59
Weight: 90 kg (198 lb)
I have always been a real romantic at heart. A strong confident and willed man. Yet a huge heart, sensitive, passionate and caring. I am a man yet I am not ashamed to admit I cried in The movie Pretty Woman, Tai Pan, You got Mail, Ghost, Sleepless in Seattle, Somewhere in Time , Note Book and so many romantic love stories. For Love is the greatest emotion of life . Our Love for God, love for family, friends and children , nature and animal . And of course the love we all look to find here, the love of our partner and mate to walk side by side through our journey through distance and time. Additionally  Find me and message me and lets walk through life together. Let me share somethings about myself and about the woman and future I hope and pray we both may share if we win each other's heart ...I love to vacation and travel, love boats and water sports, and relaxing near the ocean or bodies of water. I really like going out to movies and dinner.I also love spending time with family and children. In fact the good Lord blessed my life with three daughters and all though they grew up with Daddy wrapped around their fingers and ran over me like a front door mat I thank God for the gift of them in my life. I love music, dancing and, singing. I enjoy cooking so I love to eat. I am a mature man so I am very neat, clean and tidy and capable of taking care of myself, my house, cloths , meals etc.. So I don't need or want a maid or house keeper, Instead I pray for a partner in life and partner in all things, Like I said I am a true romantic, a mature old fashion gentlemen and also a business man, I respect all life, man , woman, nature and beast,. I want to fall in love and love my woman more than life it self. I desire her to be the very first thing I see when I open my eyes in the morning and the very last thing I see before I close my eyes each night. I will be loving, caring, passionate, affectionate and always strive to show her with " actions " not just words how deeply I appreciate her as my partner in life. . And I will never take my love for granted, nor be jealous, or controlling and possessive . I will give her own space, and own friends, yet I want her to eventually become my BFF , in all things. I don't want to change my future wife and lover into the woman I want her to become but instead learn to love the woman she has grown into on her own over her life and accept the person that she is as well. Please take notice that I am only interested in a woman that is open to true love, and able to make a lifetime commitment .A soulmate and partner to walk through life side by side as equals ... Although I am a strong minded man and feel comfortable in my own skin and being alone in life , I still feel empty , and long to be whole by finding my soul mate and my other half. I long to have one last chance in life to fall in love again before I leave this world and I have prayed and also promised in my prayers that if the Good Lord granted my prayers I would try with all my heart, soul and spirit to love her more than life itself .I want to win a good woman's heart by becoming her one and only special man and I want her to win my heart right back in return. And by the Grace of God I will find her and she will find me amen... And together we will share a passionate endless love and share in the humility of this world and this life .
