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48 Boise, Idaho, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Star sign: Leo
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57 Houston, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 56
Star sign: Leo
64 Evansville, Indiana, United States
Seeking: Female 33 - 52
Star sign: Leo
Ok, I must add something. The response I have gotten is overwhelming. Thank you ladies. But I can't possibly answer all of you. So please understand, if I answer you I am very interested in you. I am only answering a few and I have one lady who stands out. But that doesn't mean she will want me. And no, that doesn't mean you are second choice. I have never had such a difficult task. Please be patient and I will try to answer as many as possible, even if I don't choose you. I think it is rude not to answer someone who has taken the effort to contact me. Lucky I am retired and have lots of time. You all make me feel very special. I will sit and write a better introduction when I can spend some time on it. I promise you will like me and I can make you laugh. I have been on this site before and met many nice ladies, some of whom I am still friends with. But then the scammers came on and ruined everything. So now I am back to try again. I'm not going to write a lot. I would rather discover things as we talk. I want to find a pretty wife. I have a lot of love bundled up inside me and want to share it with the right person. I am a retired Dentist. I enjoy scuba, golf, travel, woodworking and many other things. I love to build things. Come share my life. I promise you will never be sorry you chose me. I am deathly allergic to cats. Have a dog. Now for the other side of things. I won't send money under any circumstances. Learned my lesson the hard way. If you are a scammer keep going. I am very good at spotting scams. Ok, you get the point. Let's talk and build a future together. šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ¤© Do you have a Visa? It takes time, so let's discuss how to do it. It would be a good idea to apply early. Eventually you will need it. I retired from my practice a few years ago after many years. My patients loved me. I have a very easy time relating to people. My practice was the largest I'm the area. My doctor's told me that I needed Open Heart Surgery. I have had the surgery and I am healing very well. This is full disclosure. I don't want any surprises. I decided to retire and travel America. But I am alone and that is no fun. Come with me and see America then we will go to Thailand and you can show me your country. Maybe we will stay there forever. I hope this helps you understand me a little better. I'm a very good man, your best friend and I will love you like no other. And, I'm funny. I can make you laugh every day.šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜‰
74 Augusta, Maine, United States
Seeking: Female 40 - 72
Star sign: Leo
Older gentleman searching for the last love of his life, not the latest, but the last. Enjoys travel and finer things of life. Family man, good friend, honest, loyal ... the great love of my life has been within reach a few times but never captured ... I won't let anything get in the way this time. Hi I will start off with this age question: I don't care about a mate's age, high or low. So I put 18 to 99 in the appropriate block. I care far more about a smile, a passion for life and family and friends, a healthy lifestyle and whether or not she thinks I am wicked awesome. OK - self description, with absolutely no embellishment, exaggeration, magnification, overstatement or stretching .... Financially, physically and emotionally stable (in my opinion). A dancer, gardener and traveller. Wicked smaht - do you believe that? Business man turned entrepreneur (spelling?) More stuff - from an old profile ... yes, I have done this before but going to get it right this time. Quietly extroverted; weakly determined; prudently careless, absent minded professor type; a good listener; generally confused; a lover of people, conversation, wit and banter. 5'10" - taller looking if you look up from the floor; Deep set brown eyes; too much nose; too little hair; fit in summer, less so in winter; don't turn off women with my looks nor are they beating down my door;. As for virtues: ah ... um ... I put the toilet seat down ...um ... caring, kindness ... duh ... intelligence, wit ... tolerant, fair ... umm ... A 19 step bio ā€¦ 1. 1950-52: I cried a lot, needed diapers, and ate a lot. 2. 1955-60: didn't need diapers, went to public schools in Boston. 3. 1960-68: I still didn't need diapers, lost my virginity (a totally un-noteworthy event, well on second thought I was , of course, grrrreat!), graduated from high school. 4. 1968-70: Attended Northeastern Univ. 5. 1970: Drafted into military, sent to language school training: N Vietnamese. 6. 1972: Foolish War ended, left service returned to school: San Jose State & then Suffolk University. 7. 1975: Married a beautiful Irish woman; 8. 1979: Finished up college and had a child; 9. 1979: Bought a home, a 100-year-old farmhouse near Boston; 10. 1979 to 87: Moved four times, my wife always found a reason to move. 11. 1988: Got divorced (do you believe it was all her fault? No?!) 12. 1989: Bought my first house as a single person ... a Grand Ole Mansard in Boston, I still have this house too much of my sweat and toil to sell it off. 13. 1973-1997: accountant / manager in Massachusetts. 14. 1997-2001: moved to Arizona - more management work there. 15. 2002 2004: took a few years off - played in Arizona, Hawaii and Mexico and California; 16. 2004 2006 ; Built a seaside home in Maine - heaven in the summer, hell in the winter 17. 2006 got engaged, but unfortunately widowed before married 18: 2006 till now Started a business, dance lessons and travel. 19: 2035 will cry a lot and need diapers.

