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ฉันพบคนที่ถูกใจแล้ว เขาใจดีมาก เขารักฉันและรักลูกสาวฉัน

ฉันพบคนที่ถูกใจแล้ว เขาใจดีมาก เขารักฉันและร&#... ฉันพบคนที่ถูกใจแล้ว เขาใจดีมาก เขารักฉันและรักลูกสาวฉันเขาพูดถึงอนาคฅลูกสาวฉัน เขาเป็นผู้ชายที่ใจดี อบอุ่น แต่ตอนนี้เขาป่วยเข้ารับการผ่าตัดที่ประเทศญี่ปุ่นฉันขอให้สิ่งศักดิ์สิทธิ์คุ้มครองให้เขาหายดีเป็นปกติแล้วเราจะแต่งงานกันในเดือน เมษายน 2550 นี้ Thank you ThaiCupid ที่ทำให้เราพบกัน........

He really love you same as me

Hello every member I'm very glad to say I'm so lucky to find some one very special for me on this web and I hope every member here can find some body very good person and he really love you same as me but every thing must take time so I just to start and learn to know each other more a... Hello every member I'm very glad to say I'm so lucky to find some one very special for me on this web and I hope every member here can find some body very good person and he really love you same as me but every thing must take time so I just to start and learn to know each other more and more so I hope I can find my prince now and I would like to say thank you this web ThaiCupid you are very kindness for me thank you again.

We thank u so much with ThaiCupid help us to find love eachother

I open in ThaiCupid in November 2005 and i found my boyfriend in February 2006 and we start talk together everynight and we talk so long together and from this we want to meet and him come to me in April and we falling in love so strong and from this make me happy to found him and now we want to... I open in ThaiCupid in November 2005 and i found my boyfriend in February 2006 and we start talk together everynight and we talk so long together and from this we want to meet and him come to me in April and we falling in love so strong and from this make me happy to found him and now we want to marrie soon. We thank u so much with ThaiCupid help us to find love eachother

I am so grateful being part in your site

I am so grateful being part in your site but sad to say I have to go coz i have found the woman for me. She is an Asian. She is the nice and very faithful to me. Thank you so much in helping me for looking the best woman for me. Good Luck and wishing you all the best! More Power!... I am so grateful being part in your site but sad to say I have to go coz i have found the woman for me. She is an Asian. She is the nice and very faithful to me. Thank you so much in helping me for looking the best woman for me. Good Luck and wishing you all the best! More Power!

I found my partner form ThaiCupid

Now I'm so happy and found friend already. Thank you to team ThaiCupid so much. I found my partner form ThaiCupid and could find friends form ThaiCupid also. I hope ThaiCupid will stay for a long time, because now some new website come up, but ThaiCupid is better. Hope anyone have goo... Now I'm so happy and found friend already. Thank you to team ThaiCupid so much. I found my partner form ThaiCupid and could find friends form ThaiCupid also. I hope ThaiCupid will stay for a long time, because now some new website come up, but ThaiCupid is better. Hope anyone have good luck same as me. Thanks so much.

Ho trovato la ragazza perfetta

Ho conosciuto una donna fantastica su Thaicupid. Un sito che consiglio a chi vuole trasferirsi in questa bellissima terra. Ho conosciuto una donna fantastica su Thaicupid. Un sito che consiglio a chi vuole trasferirsi in questa bellissima terra.